Efficient Data Center Operation and Management starts with better Transparency: Bridging the gap between IT and OT

The Niagara Framework® provides a single point of access into critical data center assets. Integrate data streams from power, electrical, cooling and other digital sources into one interface, giving facility managers a real-time, systems-level window into the environmental factors that contribute to efficient data center operations.


A Niagara-based controls console provides the insight needed to conduct a proactive maintenance program. Data centers avoid unexpected equipment failures, and they are better prepared to recover immediately in emergency situations. Niagara helps them meet 24X7 uptime commitments, as well as maximize energy efficiency.


Truely Vendor-agnostic, flexible and fully customizable, Niagara solutions let you see and control environmental factors like temperature, humidity and energy consumption—taking you from insight to efficiency.


Please be invited to download the brochure to understand, how Niagara can improve efficiency and sustainability in Data Centers.

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