How Trend Micro Portable Security 3 Streamlines Nerc CIP Compliance

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is a set of regulatory standards which specifies the security requirements for the cyber systems critical to the operation of bulk electric systems (BES). These standards include requirements outlining the minimum controls and policies that must be implemented by 2 electric utilities in order to ensure the safety and reliability of electric system operations and protect infrastructure in North America.


Trend Micro Portable SecurityTM 3 provides effective malware scanning and removal to standalone computers and air-gapped systems. It facilitates utility companies to ensure the bulk electric system (BES) is secure and reliable. It is a portable tool that plugs
into the USB port of any Windows or Linux cyber assets to detect and eliminate malware without installing software. The collected asset information generates an inventory list, helping to improve
OT visibility and eliminate shadow OT. Its companion Management Program can deploy scanning configuration settings to multiple scanning tools, either remotely or physically. It also compiles and integrates scan logs and asset information from multiple scanning tools in multiple locations, providing a holistic view of all endpoints.
Some of the world’s largest and most complex energy utilities depend on TMPS3 to streamline their cyber security management for their control centers and substations.

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