Ready for the Peak Season 2022?

A guide to peak season growth

The peak shopping season is upon us. There is energy and excitement in the air as consumers hunt for bargains, shopping streets are full and online carts are flowing.


The past few years have driven a spike in online shopping but it hasn’t killed the consumer’s love for in-store shopping. As a result, offering cross-channel shopping experiences is critical, with 54% of Australian consumers wanting retailers to deliver the same cross-channel flexibility they provided during the pandemic.


While all this excitement is going on, this period is also without a doubt a key moment of truth for retailers around the world. From operational efficiency and checkout optimisation to customer service and loyalty, it simultaneously exposes businesses’ strengths and weaknesses in the space of a few thrilling, chaotic, intense periods in time. So how should retailers prepare?


Adyen’s guide to peak season growth in Australia aims to help navigate the peak season and get the most out of sales across all channels.

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